Photos from Mexico City, Part 1
We spent a long weekend in Mexico City at the end of May. I took a lot of photos of the city, even trying to get out early in the morning before sunrise for a few. Here’s a selection of photos, there will be more next week!

Palacio de Bellas Artes at dawn, Mexico City

Plaza Santo Domingo, Mexico City

Jewelry store on a rainy night, Mexico City

Palacio de Bellas Artes from the Sears Cafe, Mexico City

Post Office, Mexico City

Metro, Mexico City

Inside the Post Office, Mexico City

Metro, Mexico City

El Nino del Rejoj (nice door!), Mexico City

Torre Latinoamerica, Mexico City

View of Palacio de Bellas Artes from Torre Latinoamerica, Mexico City

View toward the Zocalo from the Torre Latinoamerica, Mexico City

Pegasus Fountain detail, National Palace, Mexico City

Palacio de Bellas Artes, Mexico City

Diego Rivera murals line the walls of the Secretariat of Education building, Mexico City

Entrance to the Museo Soumaya, Mexico City

Metropolitan Cathedral, Mexico City

Metropolitan Cathedral with shoe shine stands, Mexico City

Pegasus Fountain and National Palace, Mexico City

Diego Riveral murals line the walls of the National Palace, Mexico City

Torre Latinoamerica at dawn, Mexico City

Palacio de Bellas Artes before sunrise, Mexico City