Paris in Black and White

On a recent trip to Paris, I thought it would be interesting to shoot some black and white film.  I’ve only recently tried black and white film, though I’ve been carrying film cameras on my travels for a few years now.  So, it’s almost completely new to me.  I tend to be attracted to color, so shooting black and white is different for me. Still, I thought it might be interesting at night, and I could use a high-speed black and white film. So I bought a few rolls of Ilford Delta 3200, and packed them with my gear.

I was really looking for contrast, so I waited until the sun was down and then looked for light and shadow to photograph.

This photograph is of a Metro sign with light reflecting off the leaves above the sign and a cobweb underneath:


Here, two women walk by a brightly lit souvenir shop:


Here’s an exterior view of Le Bistrot de la Tour.  This was a Sunday night and it wasn’t very crowded:


Finally, a man sits outside a small cafe a few blocks from the Eiffel Tower:


I’ll have a lot more Paris photos to share over the coming months, including more black and white.



2 comments on “Paris in Black and White”

  1. Aurora says:

    I love these black and white pictures, looking forward to more!

    1. Peter says:

      Thank you!

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